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Kristin Kowler

Funny. Sounds like me. I recently stopped carrying my portfolio to meetings. Stopped writing long proposals. And started just doing what I do best in the first place. Listening to customers and thinking about their situation. Egads... Could this be consultative selling? If so, I think I'll go "naked" more often.

George Hope


Question, Why do people generally believe they must have literature in hand when meeting a prospect?

Answer, this is most likely the well engrained traditional thought process based on the development of sales tactics in our economy.

Reality, the Internet has dramatically changed the way in which information is shared. Therefore, the best development a salesperson can make is to learn to listen. This makes "naked sales" a very logical approach to solving problems. We have come full circle in the "problem solving" business.

Best Regards

Bill Bell

Jill - The piece about naked salesmanship makes a good point. Though I did not go naked I sold the same way the nudes did and got the same response. Sales were good, advice was asked and given, no brochures were used, I did not carry a briefcase either. But did carry a package of literature for the prospect to use after I left his office so if he wanted to he could check out some of the things I had said. If it was an existing customer the material simply updated his files.

I learned this approach from two sources: One was a super salesman who was now retired as sales manager for The National Geographic Magazine. The other was from a fine book called "Conceptual Selling".

If you do a follow-up on this article you can tell people the technique works naked or clothed. Regards, Bill

Nick Moreno

Got my attention and I could not agree more.
Thanks for a great article.

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