Hindsight is wonderful. All the pundits are busy pontificating why Bush won and Kerry lost. It's time for me to add my two cents again today, so here it is.
Tip #4: Create and mobilize evangelists.
Evangelist extol your virtues when you're not around. They passionately believe in your mission and work on converting others to their beliefs. They even forgive you when you do something dumb or sound stupid. One evangelist can deliver lots of votes.
The Bush's campaign proved far superior to Kerry's in this aspect. They targeted Evangelical Christians as a market segment, aligned their "message" with what this demographic needed to hear and actively pursued relationships with key leaders in these communities. As a result, these religious leaders became avid spokespeople for the Bush campaign. From their pulpits, they preached the Bush message to their flock and delivered the vote.
What can sellers and marketers learn from this? Look for evangelists in your midsts. Support them like crazy and help them build the buzz. An excellent book on this topic is called "Creating Customer Evangelists" by Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba. It's an excellent read.