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Adrian Miller

Hi: Appreciated these sentiments very much and there is truth to it all EXCEPT:)....for those folks that suffer from analysis paralysis and who do not prospect nearly enough to ever land any new business (unless of course their close rate is 100% and even 100% of 2-3 calls/week is not enough!), well then promiscuous prospecting is the way they should go until they reach the point that they can substitute quality for quantity.


Where does anybody even find 300 people to call each day? Not here in Australia - unless they are dialling randomly from the White Pages!


This article really resonated for me ... many years ago, I, too, had a boss who felt that the number of calls was more important than the quality of calls (he felt that high numbers would give you more sales 'chances'). The turn-over rate under that sales manager was horrendously high because while all the sales reps tried to achieve their call numbers, very few were focused on closing sales. They didn't last long. (I left after a very short while and went on to more positive experiences.)

The Gift Guy

WooHoo! Point well taken! How many leads were actually generated and/or deals closed from his 300 daily phone calls? Quality wins over quality every time in my book. Have to admire the perseverance of the fellow though!

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