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Paul Dank

Absolutely true. When you call on a prospect who is dealing with a "triggering event" that you can positively impact, their responsiveness increases 1,000%.

Jeff Paul Big League Players Club

Hi, Great post! I felt great reading your blog post. I’m working with my friend in a small internet marketing business as a web developer. When I’m free I go around for some IT info


This is a great approach to pursuing a new account. Knowing that a company has a business problem that you can solve is a step that, sadly, a large number of sales reps still tend to forgo when calling into a new prospect; they just go straight for the pitch. Sales intelligence tools coupled with keeping an eye on the most current company news can give you a great "in" with the exec you're on a call with. We added this post as an additional resource on our post about sales cycles and account planning here: http://blog.salesquest.com/2010/02/10/how-to-shorten-your-sales-cycle-using-sales-intelligence-and-account-planning-strategies/

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