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William Bell

Jill - Good article about Alex and his problem. Alex arouses skepticism by indicating that his product is the "silver bullet" that will solve any and all the prospect's problems. And, as you so well say, he needs to ask questions focusing on benefits that will result from the prospect's problem being solved. Alex's "over selling" may result from his having been "over motivated" by his sales manager.

As a twenty-one-year-old fledgling salesman in a paint store I made the same mistake as Alex's by over selling the covering capacity of a new paint that claimed in its advertising "One Coat Covers". A few days after buying a can of this white enamel that I ssured a customer would, in one coat, cover a black door that she wanted to paint, she was back returning the unused portion, and demanding a refund for my misrepresentation. Of course she got it without argument, and with my apologies for having been misled by my own company's advertising. These things happen. Regards, Bill.
PS - That was a good frog story, too. I was glad to see the Peruvians so concerned about the frogs.

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