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Thanks to Jill's book, I've created my own list of triggering events. In other words, situations that should trigger me that a company needs my services. It could be something I read in a trade journal or a comment on the radio or in a TV interview that makes me say, "Ah ha! I could really show them how to overcome that problem by doing XYZ."

I don't have all my triggering events (TE's) memorized yet. Some stand out like a sore thumb - for example when companies can't get their technology systems to "talk" to one another - and then there are other TE's that are less obvious that I have to remind myself about.

So, from now on I'm going to keep my list of TE's in front of me when doing reading in trade journals so I don't miss any opportunities.

Matthew Cornell

Brilliant! As I continue my switch from programmer-in-cocoon to personal-productivity-consultant, I'm training myself to be aware of opportunities like this, and take advantage of them. Great example - thank you.

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