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Josiane Feigon

Hi Jill-

Triggering events is key- especially at quarter-end when you need to leverage everything. I'm running a series of podcasts this week asking inside sales champions how they are dealing with quarter-end www.tele-smart.com/blog. Most of them are saying without a compelling event, the deal is stale. Your book is great also, I'm recommending it to many of my clients.

Josiane Feigon, President of TeleSmart
Great work

David Elkington

For companies that use inside sales (as mentioned above), my company has found a product that helps identify these kind of 'Triggering Events'. There is a list provider called True Advantage, that in addition to providing a list of company names and information, also provide key company events. We found it so usefull we have introduced it to our customer base (we are an Hosted CRM application that focuses on the inside sales space, InsideSales.com). Our customers that use both the list information and the key events provided have had great success.

Great Ideas described. I will share them with our customers!

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