Why is it that smart people do the dumbest things? If they thought for one moment about what was coming out of their mouth, they'd keep it shut. Yet day after day, I see sellers talk (or write) themselves right out of opportunities.
Shortly after I sent out my ezine article on Promiscuous Prospecting, I got an email from a reader. He wrote: "I notice you're processing credit cards through your site. That's what I provide my clients! If you're dissatisfied with your card service or you think you're paying more than you should, perhaps we can talk!"
I responded: "Thanks for the note. I'm in the process of switching to a new web master and doing a major update on my site. Right now everything is fine. Things that aren't causing me problems are not on my priority list. But you were smart to check me out!"
Although I was politely trying to rebuff the seller, my response only seemed to have the opposite effect. It invigorated him.
What followed was ...
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