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Jodee Bock

Your story about the bull in the china shop (the guy selling his website service) is why I've always been slightly afraid of salespeople, and why I have had trouble becoming one myself. However, your own examples (the ones from your book and the ones you continue to provide through ongoing correspondence) show me that my belief about sales is from the past and needs to shift.

Thank you for providing such wonderful stories and ideas about what great sales techniques can really provide for small companies like mine. I continue to be enlightened and delighted by your authenticity and candor and always look forward to new posts.

Because of you, I have a whole new outlook on the world of sales!

Carson Coots

At one point, I could have been the guy you described at the beginning of the article who was selling credit card processing services. I had pre-made email "follow up templates" I used to bombard any prospect that showed even the slightest smidgen of an interest in what I was selling.

Anyway, I just thought of a new approach: What if you play the snobby card: Tell them that you tell them "I may have the answer for you...buuuut, I just don't know." Then when their eyebrows crinkle, tell them you don't do business with "just anyone" and act like you are exclusive and only work with the "totally committed". This is sure to get their pens moving. No?

nidhi mahajan

i found your blog very intersting and informative, i am starting my career in sales and it has come to my rescue ....

 Poul Anderson

Thank you for providing such wonderful stories and ideas about what great sales techniques can really provide for small companies like mine. I continue to be enlightened and delighted by your authenticity and candor and always look forward to new posts.
Because of you, I have a whole new outlook on the world of sales. Nice post.


Don't worry about being impolite or that you might be prying. It's your job to make a difference for your customers and you can't do it without asking about the tough stuff. Nice post. Your all posts are very informative regarding sale business.

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