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Bob VL

WOW Jill - you were right again!

There may NOT be only one key concept, or one panacea that fits all. It is NOT just one simple ideal - or "magic" key for the successful salesperson. Rather it is the true synergy of the many concepts from many perspectives and from many expert's opinions.

Once again, as you have proven and shown via this Rainfall of expert advice, I still believe and consider the consultative selling approach as the strongest value proposition.

All of these professional opinions reflect a common thread of UNDERSTANDING as the key ingredient for the successful recipe for selling in the 21st century!

Claude Bourgoin

I've seen all kinds of sales people at work and all kinds of sales approaches. The one thing that I can say here is the truly successful ones come from the heart. All the techniques, the ideologies come together naturally when the focus is right.

Chris Langlois

Thanks Jill for the pdf, it is full of good advice. (I really like Seth's work!)

As far as I am concerned, the most successful sales people are the ones who build credibility and trust, from the very first second.

To achieve that, you need to
a) do your homework and understand your industry (trends, regulatory context, competition), and the challenges/concerns of your prospects
b) listen, listen, listen!... Let your prospect talk, share good info, and gather as much valuable info as possible.
c) share your experience, show you understand the industry
d) control the meeting, and agree on the next step (YOU will send an email, YOU will call him early next week, YOU will contact his colleagues...)!

Congratulations for your excellent blog!
www.Visible-SalesManager.com (still a draft!)

David Manning

The one peice of advice I can't sell without... know your customer!

As demonstrated in this 120 second clip: sales training video meets "The Office" on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSqXKp-00hM

Lori Richardson

Right on, Jill - what a tremendous resource this e-book is. Bravo!


Lori Richardson

Sales Training

All of the people and companies your recommend are very useful but I found that Dale Carnegie is also very great. I've taken their sales training course and had several of my employees take it also. We have all found it to increase morale and increase sales.

Sales Training

All of the people and companies your recommend are very useful but I found that Dale Carnegie is also very great. I've taken their sales training course and had several of my employees take it also. We have all found it to increase morale and increase sales.

Sales Training

All of the people and companies your recommend are very useful but I found that Dale Carnegie is also very great. I've taken their sales training course and had several of my employees take it also. We have all found it to increase morale and increase sales.

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