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Gerold Braun

TrackBack manually: http://www.geroldbraun.de/blog/2006/09/e-mails-schreiben-die-nicht-gelesen.html


Jill, that appears to be the automatically generated invitation email sent from Webex when someone sets the session up.

I get them all the time from people I know - but if I got them from strangers I wouldn't be likely to participate.

I wonder if webex will allow you to modify the automatic email for recipients? I'm not sure, but you're right about the email. It is very uninviting.

Michael Stelzner

Jill - People like us (sales and marketing types) often do not understand that people need to be persuaded to act--especially in this age of message overload. Does not surprise me. - Mike


I agree with you Jill, and even if that is the canned email from webex, the presenter should have done research to see what it looks like before they send it, knowing that their reputation is at risk if his prospects preceive the email as garbage, which is exactly what happened to Jill. He could have also done more to make the presentation details on webex look more promising. And if Jill was on his email list, he should have sent out his own personal email with his own personal touch. And he should definately respond to Jill's email critiquing the email.

What will stop this stupid behavior, which I see all the time? Lack of response from prospects will send the signal that it is not working, and reflection and thinking on the part of the presenter as to what went wrong and what can be done about it.

If only the world was perfect....


That is the default email that WebEx sends out. Your 'Marketing Guy' and anyone else using WebEx should talk to them about improving the copy and making it customizable.

I was a potential user of another WebEx product and found them very open to suggested improvements. I even got them to change the legal language in their 'Terms of Use'.

Your post is right on target...we cannot assume that the online services we use show the marketing savvy we expect, or want to portray to the world.

Chad Horenfeldt

Jill - I see this all the time with my clients who use webex as an event management tool. Webex should stick to making sure their technology works for the actual event as I've been there too many times when I get a "page not found" error when I'm starting my meeting. PS - you may want to add a feed icon to your blog to make it easy to subscribe as it took me 2 steps instead of one (hey, I'm lazy). Check out my post called "Feed Icon Library".

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