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Susan Martin

Great post Jill! I had to laugh when I read it, because who hasn't been there. Great tips on what to do as well. I'm going to feature it on my blog today.

Michael Goodman

I can't even tell you how glad I was to see fellow sales professionals run into what I have been ashamed to admit publicly. Sometimes I blow it too.

Even with tons of experience I must say, it still comes in handy to have script points at hand for that hellish moment you described.

Thank Jill.

Varun Badhwar

Hey Jill,

Good one,

Been there done that often, and i always end up laughing on myself everytime,when i goof up on a call.

Thanks for these tips.

Varun Badhwar

Nathan Lands

Great article.

I haven't done B2B cold-calling in a few years but I remember how 90% of the calls would go to voicemail and you'd get so used to this that when you actually got the executive on the line you'd go straight into your VoiceMail recording voice.

Nathan Lands

Jane Oxley

I loved this, I think anyone who has done B2B cold calling has been there.

I think "Don't focus on being nice" is crucial as is focussing on talking slowly. If you panic and start talking quickly you are guaranteed to get shut down and be off the line in seconds!

Talk to them as if they are a peer. Even if you've done this thousands of times, keep a script handy so if you do panic, you've got your question ready to engage them - get them talking!


This was a great article. It was interesting to read about how your focus is not just to be nice; I tend to lean on my personality which is so sweet and warm and sometimes not so professional. Thank you so much. I will add this to my list of things to keep in mind.

Dan McCarthy

Good post Jill,

I have a love/hate relationship with cold calling, and suddenly hearing a curt executive voice after a string of voicemails definitely fall into the hate column. The prospect is enough to keep me from dialing at all.

Like Nathan, I write a script, and I read it aloud several times to check how wooden it sounds. Then I try it out on leads that I'm less enthusiastic about. By the time I'm calling my top targets, I'm usually able to wing the conversation on bullet points alone. To my ear, it helps me sound like I'm conversing rather than selling.

Joe Carapellucci

Great post! I was calling on a Fortune 50 VP for 3 months, and one day the gate keeper wasn't there.. He picked up... and I stared at the receiver! I knew the next 30 seconds was make or break, so, I STOOD UP, and SPOKE TO MY PEER, just as you suggest. I knew I could really help them, and I knew they didn't know they needed the help! That call lead to 2MM+ in business.


I experienced this too! I was a junior sales exec and had to pitch the Regional VPs of Marketing or Sales.. imagine.. I was once told off to practice my pitching first before calling him back!! LOL!!! Now, after years in tele-sales, all I can say is plan ahead, have the script and objection handling handy. Practice makes perfect and once you are in momentum, every thing just flows.. you won't even notice time flies.. I love sales and most comfortable in Tele-Sales. There's no other job I want to have!!

Brian WIlliamson

Jill, I like your post. Can you give an example of a provocative question?

Robert van der Neut | Verkooptraining

An Excellent post.
The best way is to have an organized attack plan before you take the phone.
When you know have to do it, you will have already half of the deal closed.
For more information look at Salestraining

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