Some days I wonder if I'll ever get it all done. Like today. I got to the office early so I could get my emails done before I dove into this big project I'm working on. Several ezines I subscribe to contained interesting links, so before I knew it I was clicking through. Then, since my browser was open, I decided to take quick peek at my blog list. Of course, I indulged myself by reading the most recent posts.
After that, my coffee was getting warm so I went to refill it. When I came back to the office, my phone was ringing. I spent 45 minutes talking with a potential business partner. During our conversation, I referred him to another person. So when I hung up, I thought I better write her an email to tell her to expect a call.
That's when I noticed 8 more emails had arrived - which all needed immediate reading. One was from a non-profit I'm involved with. I ended up writing two detailed emails to the leadership team regarding next steps.
At that point, I realized that I'd failed to respond to some people who'd written me a couple days ago. So I tackled that next. One was from Dan Markovitz, a personal efficiency expert, announcing his new TimeBack Management blog. I quickly clicked through to take a look, but before I knew it was hooked.
He writes about how you can put more time back in your day. Clearly this is a universal problem and I needed to share his insights with others. So I decided to write a blog post about it.
Two hours have now flown by. I haven't started my project yet. Nor have I checked anything off my To Do list.
But I did learn something from Dan. I'm signing off now. No more interruptions for the next two hours. I have work to do.