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Tina LoSasso

Jill, I love that you can find sales lessons anywhere! These are great reminders. I'll be rooting for Helio tonight because he's been such a strong contender from the very first show. In sales (and reality tv) it pays to make a good first impression!

Lori Richardson

Wonderful points, Jill!

Another lesson I get from the show, which was evident when my hometown guy Apolo Anton Ohno won talked about why he thought he won. He said that he knew how to learn, and he knew how to be competent, then excel. He simply moved from one platform (speed skating) to dancing.

Bob Cummins

The need for practice really resonates!

So often I want to just jump into the dance, never having practiced; whether commenting on a blog, making a sales call, or simple leaving a voicemail.

Stars know when the heat’s on, they perform at the level that they’ve practiced. So practice. Practice hard. Practice with intensity!

Thanks for the opportunity to practice and dance with the stars on your blog!

Sales Jobs

Great analogy! I watch the show, but will watch it very differently now!

Great connection!

Sales Training

I absolutely love the metaphor as DWTS is one of my all-time favorite shows as well.I never thought of all of the connections between the show and sales training. I think if we can pass this type of analogy on to our staffs, we will see light bulbs go off in front of our eyes.


Danciubg with the Stars season 7 is going to be the best season by a long shot! We have so many awesome people I dont even know who to vote for. I think I may have to go with Lance Bass though. He just seems like such a nice guy and we already know the boy can move.



I think I may have to go with Lance Bass though. He just seems like such a nice guy and we already know the boy can move.


I like the metaphor as DWTS is one of my all time favorite shows as well.I never thought of all communication between the supply and sales training. I think if we can pass this type of measurement for our employees, and we will see light bulbs go off in front of our eyes.

 Poul Anderson

I think if we can pass this type of analogy on to our staffs, we will see light bulbs go off in front of our eyes.


Stars know when the heat’s on, they perform at the level that they’ve practiced hard. Practice with intensity.

Attorney Smith

To stay in the game, make sure people are cheering for you. Actually our ability to win the sale is at risk.


I never thought of all communications between the supply and sales training. I think if we pass this type of measure for our employees, and we will see light bulbs go by before our eyes Read More

Customer Service Training

You know, as someone who'd avoided TV like the plague through college and through the 00's, I've recently realized there truly are useful and important lessons one could learn. TV is simply the medium -- and you point out some good lessons learned here. Neat post. Let's hope all staff read it. ;)

- Glenn Friesen

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