Isn't that the best title for an article! I wish I'd have thought of it. Unfortunately I was only the one who inspired it - but not in the way you might think.
In his article on Sex in a Sales 2.0 World, Nigel Edelshain has some interesting commentary on how Web 2.0 technology is changing sales today. He's absolutely right when he says:
"If companies don't get the people element right, and don't motivate those people well, tools and processes won't do them much good at all."
Amen. Over the last few years, I've seen more sellers suffering from burnout than ever before. They're pushed to the brink to feed the corporation's insatiable need for increased shareholder value.
More, more, more! That's all that's important. Quotas are raised, and then raised again. Yesterday's successes are quickly forgotten. The corporation's and customers' needs take priority over a personal life and family.
As far as I'm concerned, this is totally out of whack.
It is also not sustainable. Life is not all about shareholder value. Salespeople need to feel that their work is making a difference and that they're appreciated.
Is it any wonder that one of the biggest issues facing the corporate world today is lack of employee engagement? I think not.
In the past few years I have made a deliberate choice to avoid working for companies where I "feel the greed." I'm all for making a healthy profit, but not when it destroys people's lives. This may be controversial to some, but I will not sell my soul for the almighty dollar.