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Tina LoSasso

It's so important to be proactive in these situations. There's nothing worse than calling a vendor and finding out your salesperson is "no longer there." Doesn't give you that warm and fuzzy! At the same time, don't waste your customer's time by just calling to introduce yourself. Great advice, Jill.
-- Tina LoSasso, Managing Editor, SalesDog.com

Troy Bingham

Being proactive is key. Make sure each client knows who you are before they need you. Also, you may want to offer them something on the introduction so they don't forget the conversation or email. If they don't need you right now, they will likely trash your email or not pay too much attention to your phone call. Entitle your email something like "Free offer from..." and send them a whitepaper, article or better yet a gift certificate for dinner. They will remember you, read your email and look forward to your next correspondence.

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