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Karl Goldfield


My greatest efforts in 2007 were aligned with educating the hungriest reps with our largest partner on our sales process and strategy. I educated them just enough to go out and evangelize the product and help us generate a pipeline. In December and January 35% of our inbound leads have come from this alliance, and we are seeing more and more opportunity set in place by our partner.

We definitely had similar success, and even now in trying to cultivate my opportunities for the future, I am working to align with great mentors to build my personal brand. Using experts to leverage opportunity is paramount to long term success.


Shama Hyder

Our greatest asset has been our blog-site. Currently we get 100% of our clients through that blog.

I haven't focused too much on strategic partnerships, but now that you mention it-I will take a long lunch myself and ponder possibilities. Thank you for sharing Jill!

Ian Brodie

My #1 strategy?

I'm almost embarrassed to say, but it was asking some of my best clients to recommend people they knew who would benefit from my help.

A completely obvious, simple strategy. But one I hadn't used for a while - and it worked a treat.


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