What would happen to your business if you were able to double the number of qualified prospects you were able to reach?
For most sellers, it's really tough these days to set up meetings with corporate decision makers. If you're struggling, I recommend you listen in to the Cold Calling College FREE Preview Call on April 24th.
This session is being put on by Wendy Weiss, a real pro at cold calling, appointment setting and new business development. I'm really familiar with Wendy's work and find it to be a real complement to my strategies.
She's got some really good ideas & insights about what it takes to get in. If you need help with prospecting, check out her Cold Calling College program. It's good.
Looks like a fantastic session. I will definately check it out and us it as a refresher course. We can all afford to learn from one another.
Posted by: Karl Goldfield | 04/23/2008 at 09:00 PM
Thanks for the link
-Troy Bingham
Posted by: Troy Bingham | 05/09/2008 at 11:50 AM