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Travis Turner

I like how you pointed out that you need to cut to the chase. When you are dealing with busy people you need to have an appropriate pitch that is warm but also gets your point across in the most effective manner in the least amount of time. You will get knocked down from time to time. The true and effective salesman is the one that becomes more determined and experienced from every blow.

Shama Hyder

Jill-you fainted? Wow. Thanks for sharing these lessons so openly.

Barrett Rossier

This is priceless. Thanks. There's nothing quite like getting fired by Mr. Big's subordinate. Although it probably does quite a bit for the subordinate's ego.

Karl Goldfield


A point prefaced with a story; in April I gave my first presentation as a sales consultant at an event in San Francisco. While I have performed in front of over 1000 people and trained, talked, and evangelized to crowds of up to 100 people, this was different. The product was not widget a or service b, but me. I chose to share my lessons, sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Very few questions were asked, and I took this as a bad sign. I felt my delivery was solid, the content compelling and relevant, and the audience was paying attention. There was still an uneasiness that was quickly quashed.

A gentleman came up to me and forcible pumped my hand up and down. He looked at his partner and said, "We really felt what you were talking about. The way you humanized your experience and how we could relate it to our past and current situations was a nice change."

I was taken aback and obviously in a bit of awe. I stammered, "Thank you, but if you do not mind. Why didn't you ask me any questions?"

He replied, "None were needed, you covered it."

This Jill is what I say to you. Not only did you bring your own experience into this post, but there are no questions...you nailed it!



Paul Davis

Jill,your story of early days reminded me of one of the first calls I made on a large corporate account. I was with 2 other men who were senior to me and was "learning" from them. The call was to sell a half million dollar piece of equipment to go into a factory. The plant manager was an exact duplicate of a plant manager that had been my mentor when I was in the engineering end of life. He was leading team of younger individuals and trying to teach them the "art" of negotiations. I being the junior guy at the table did not say a word, however I knew exactly the point that the customer was wanting to make and what concessions he was looking for from my company. As I was making this call with the VP of sales I did not think I had room to speak. Unfortunately we did not make the sale. Two weeks later I called that plant manager and asked him if I had offered him a 1% price reduction if that would have helped. His reply was a resounding yes. In fact he said I wanted your machine over the competition very much but I just needed a bone from your company to show my folks there was good will between the two companies. It taught me a valuable lesson about reading people and sometimes the need to go with your gut feel. Had I been able to get that sale with the VP there would have helped my career with that outfit in a much greater way. Instead we lost the sale, and 8 years later still cannot get a machine into that plant.

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