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Lisa Dennis

Love the photo - it's one I've also used in a presentation of my own. Looks like we both look like we could be sitting at that desk!

Good point on the timewasters - it's one of the blockers to selling that I see many of my clients' reps engaging in. "Being busy" often replaces the need to focus on one or two big things. If we could disconnect with the idea that picking off a lot of little things is success - and focus on the high value tasks and be satisfied if we only did a few of them, I think we'd all be suprised at the real progress we can make over time.


Man do I hate those days. One thing that has helped me is a sweet dialer. My company and I looked for a dialer that would try to do some of those useless tasks, and guess what? I found the dialer that does it. My company and I think it is so awesome because now we never have those days of doing useless tasks because our dialer emails, leaves messages, and faxes things for us, automatically.

Sales Management Strategy

The pic is cool & a great post about time management. Thanks.

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