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Muhammad Yaqoob

I highly like your blog and its unique contents. but above all i like the green color like you have green suit in your picture and green title and green background. very nice and artistic combination.
Can we exchange our links as link back.

Josiane Feigon

Great post Jill-

very relevant to our world.


Fred Barnes

Very good post Jill -- as always. What we've found at Distinction Communication -- a presentation skills training company -- is that most presentations start with "blather." On our site you can download a free podcast on how to simplyfy your messages. Go to the podcast page and look for our "7-Step Persuasive Message Model."

All the best, Fred

Britton Manasco

Great post. Unfortunately, our credibility is lowest in the areas that we feel most confident to speak -- about ourselves and our solutions. Maybe we should stop speaking and start listening. Let the customer set the tone for the dialogue and determine what grade level we should converse at. Our credibility will rise as we guide them through a discussion that emphasizes their existing concerns -- assuming they have them.

Britton Manasco
Illuminating the Future

The Gift Guy

Another gem! I am enthralled with the quality of knowledge being freely dispensed here!

Layman's terms will ensure everybody understands, helping with buy-in. However, speaking the lingo the upper crust of the marketing department understands ensures a kind of "old-boys-club" entry......

 Poul Anderson

Great post. Unfortunately our credibility is lowest in the areas that we feel most confident to speak about ourselves and our solutions. May be we should stop speaking and start listening. Let the customer set the tone for the dialogue and determine what grade level we should converse at. Our credibility will rise as we guide them through a discussion that emphasizes their existing concerns assuming they have them.


The KamaSutra - Tantra

I highly enjoy your blog and its exclusive content. but mostly I like the color green you have green dress in the picture and the title of green and green background. very beautiful and artistic combination.
Can we exchange our link and reverse link Read More

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