Recently I had a chance to interview one of my highly-respected colleagues, Tony Parinello. He's the author of Selling to VITO, a sales classic since 1994. He's also the co-author along with David Mattson of the newly released book, Five Minutes with VITO. Both books are excellent companions to Selling to Big Companies. Click here to download a PDF of the interview now. .
Jill: Let's start out with a quick definition Tony. Who is this “VITO” that you want salespeople to call on?
Tony: First of all, selling to VITO has got nothing to do with trying to convince an Italian to do something that they maybe don’t want to do, nor is it about selling to the mob. But it has everything to do with reaching out to the VITO - Very Important Top Officer, or the person with the ultimate veto power.
It's reaching out to the people that salespeople typically and generally don’t reach out to. It's especially important today because of the business climate we are in. All decisions are rolling up to these VITOs who have the last nod on your sale, the last yes or no. What VITO wants, VITO gets. They have the ultimate veto – or should I say, VITO power.
Jill: That is a very clever use of language! What positions or job titles do these VITOs hold? I don't see that title on any organization chart.
Tony: VITOs usually have titles like president, CEO, owner, chairman of the board. VITO is the person at the very very top of the org chart who owns the responsibility for the revenue, for controlling and containing, making things run smoothly and ensuring compliance. They're the person at the end of the day that most everything rolls up to. They have to report to the shareholders, the analysts or the person who at the top of the telephone pole. That's the VITO.
Jill: Do you think that every seller should be selling or calling on the VITOs?
Tony: This has always been a question from way back when I wrote the first VITO book in 1994. Jeez, you know, people worry about if VITO will take their call, if he or she is actually going to speak to a salesperson and what they're going to say to VITO.
But let me give you an example.