A True Story from Dan Seidman
Yesterday I was with a financial services client. Partway through the morning's sales training, I do a "confession session" where reps share their most embarrassing moment.
It's a very funny time. This slide is up on the screen -->
During the break a woman walks up: "I'm very offended by that image."
"You are?" People start to gather when they hear the energy in her comment.
"Yes, it is very obvious that the man is looking up her skirt."
Silence as everyone around peers at the picture.
A man says, "But he has no eyes!"
She retorts, "He is looking up her skirt and it is very offensive."
I'm shocked and struggle with whether to make a witty comment or a sarcastic one, then resign myself to...
"I'll have to get that guy a male psychologist."
Here's the thought for you selling pros:
What kind of baggage is she bringing into the training?
What kind of baggage do your prospects bring to the selling table?
Everyone has concerns, complicated by biases in their background. Your job is to discover what they are, allay fears and get buyers to say Yes! or No!
How good are your questioning practices? Are they great? If not, why not?
Your ability to uncover the heart and mind of the buyer will help you paint a picture of prosperity for them, as they partner with you.
DAN SEIDMAN is one of America's top influence coaches. He is the #1 best-selling author of Sales Autopsy, a book of hilarious selling blunders. Dan is a World Master's athlete with two gold medals playing on the U.S. basketball team. His nationally recognized diagnostic tool to analyze existing sales training is being used to improve sales pro performance. Dan's humorous, unique and useful persuasion strategies are in demand as keynotes and training programs at conferences around the world. He can be contacted at [email protected] or 847-359-7860. www.salesautopsy.com