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Marci Reynolds

What a great post. You are so right about the Blackberry issue and it extends beyond salespeople to all leaders. When I meet with my boss or am in an important meeting with peers, we would get so much more done if everyone was Blackberry free.


Marci Reynolds
Author, Sales Operations Blog

Tom Cosgrove

A slight reversal of the potential "Callus Interruptus" is to acknowledge your cell is ringing but to immediately hit the "ignore" button, smile and continue your conversation. This way you convey to your prospect/account that he or she is more important than an incoming call.

Christopher, article submission service

Many salespeople lose their potential opportunities because of interruptions; however some calls might be important like if there is someone calling on an important issue or an emergency situation.

Andee Sellman, One Sherpa

Love the thoughts in this post.
Somehow its so easy to become wrapped up in your world you completely forget to respect and honour the people around you. If this happens to be a selling situation you may as well have picked up a gun and shot your foot right off!!!

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