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Steve Bent

This is a great post, illustrating a simple yet important idea.

I feel it gets slightly lost due to it's length imho. "L'Inspector Clouseau" example is a great opener and make the point pretty sharply! The real life examples add weight, but are just a little weighty!

But as I say, THIS IS a great post and it DOES illustrate an important idea!



Yes, sort of long, but the real life stuff kept my interest. Also just came off of a remodeling job where owner was looking at big shower/sauna etc.
Asked him his budget.? He said 35..yes in my mind we could do this bathroom for 35K and make some money..
You guessed it, 35 hundred..I hadn't asked any follow questions just noted "I" was Ok with..Learned my lesson, thorough discussion of budgets with numbers written down..

Bob Apollo

Great post. Sales people not only need to help their customers solve problems - they also need to help them manage change. The process starts - and is sustained - by asking smart questions and giving intelligent answers.

Don't stop until you are sure you've got to the root causes of both the problem AND why they haven't solved it yet...

Beth Robinson

Thanks for the real life examples. I just finished reading the book Question-Based Selling and these helped me see understand the principles better.

Leah Rust

I wasn't familiar with the the Return of the Pink Panther reference, but I love it!

I am a stickler for asking the right questions and making sure you understand the needs of the prospect. We, as salespeople, must learn to slow down and seek to understand first. Great post, Andy.

Jeff Garrison

Great post. I have had similar experiences. One hard lesson for me was learning to involve as many stakeholders as possible in the discovery process. You may be perfectly set up for a proposed solution by your main contact only to be torpedoed by someone on a committee of decison makers who has an unmet need.

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