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A "Solution looking for a problem"..hadn't heard that before but it sure hits the mark when salespeople have their blinders on.

Will remember and use that expression again. Thanks,


Heather Musante

The first time I heard the term "C-Suite" I thought my manager had developed a sudden and unfortunate speech impediment. Since then, I have been reading up on the topic. Your interview is a succinct recitation of what every salesperson should know before meeting a member of the "C-Suite".
Thank you.

Stone Payton

What a marvelous interview Jill!

As I'm sure you experienced very quickly during your conversation, Bistritz is the "real deal" -- this book is based on genuine research, and his wisdom is from actually "carrying the bag."

(Since he's here in Atlanta, we had the pleasure of having him on the show, and he was one of our early Video Dust Jacket interviews too -- so we've come to know him pretty well.)

My only regret . . . Wish Todd & I had your interview skills -- Oh well, something for us to aspire toward.

In the meantime, Thanks for uncovering and sharing so much rich information and insight in such a clear, concise way . . . and please keep the interviews coming !

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