This morning I got an email from a CRM provider about a free ebook on the social sales revolution. It piqued my curiosity. Before you know it, I was registering to download it.
But -- and now I'm going into true confession mode -- I didn't use my real name or phone number on the form. Nor did I give out my easily identifiable business email address. Instead, I used a generic one.
Why do I want to remain incognito? Because I'm just interested in learning. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to be a "lead." Sound familiar?
But, based on the email I received just a few short minutes after downloading the ebook, you'd think I was one a hot prospect.
I noticed that you have recently been on our website taking a look at some information.
Many customers who have taken this initial step have found it extremely valuable to set up a brief 10 minute call with me to answer any questions they have and explain how our different products and services could bring value to their specific situation.
This typically helps shorten your evaluation process and gives you exactly the information you need to help make any comparisons or decisions.
What is the best way to get 10 minutes on your calendar in the near future?
Wait a minute. I think there's a major disconnect here. I simply signed up for an interesting ebook they promoted and suddenly they've got me in the midst of a CRM decision?
Exactly 34 minutes after the initial message, the next message arrived. They were having trouble reaching me on my clearly fake phone number. Don't they get that I want to remain anonymous?
Hi Jane,
Thank you for your interest in
I am unable to reach you at: 123-456-7890. Is there a better number to reach you at?Please let me know if it makes sense to connect. I would be happy to lend you a hand to further evaluate
Alternatively, if you don't see a need for us to connect, please let me know that as well.
Then just two minutes later I heard from the CRM company again. Now they're really starting to get serious with me. They want to know about my currrent CRM systems, issues, challenges and decision timelines.
Can you believe this letter?
Hi Jane,
If you feel more comfortable communicating via email, please take a moment to answer the questions listed below. To provide you with the best overall customer experience, it is important for us to understand your specific business needs and objectives.
Thanks again for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
1. What is your current CRM system?
2. What challenges are you facing with your current system?
3. How do you envision using (Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Support)
4. Ideally, what are you looking for the CRM to do for your company?
5. How many users do you envision using the application?
6. What other CRM solutions are you looking at?
7. What is your timeline for implementation?
8. What is your HQ address?
9. How many full time employees do you have?Thanks Jane!
And to think all this started because I downloaded an ebook on the social sales revolution. I expressed NO interest in CRM systems. Yet they were pursuing me as if I was in the midst of a major decision.
Unfortunately, many companies are setting up their automated lead gen systems like this. They're misconstruing my intentions and ticking me off.
I can't imagine that that's their ultimate goal -- yet that's exactly what's happening.
Has this ever happened to you?
Yet another organization that doesn't have the right lead process in place - blows my mind. Sometimes companies get so caught up in "following up on every lead" that they forget that not every inquiry is a lead. This salesperson is just doing what they were told... go get em tiger they came to our site...sad.
Marketing automation and lead scoring combined with the right process for the human touch are the keys to success. Some people get it, some don't and this one clearly doesn't.
Posted by: trish bertuzzi | 08/24/2011 at 06:52 AM
You're absolutely right, Trish! Companies need to start looking at what they're doing from the recipient's point of view if they want to be successful with this.
Posted by: Jill Konrath | 08/24/2011 at 12:10 PM
I really do not like all the registration stuff - there was a great article [that I now can't find] that tells the web driven folks "Don't do this - 60xx% do not then download your stuff" - which is true, I don't. It goes on to say "If they are interested they will contact you." There is a low-key idea to simply send an email saying "Thanks for downloading, if you see further interest, contact us by xx means"
On the other hand, for places I do like to download from I like the concept of setting it up once and they recognize me thereafter or the email clicks through. IDG Connect is a good example.
I sign up for a lot of stuff - easier to review and delete emails vs. remembering all the places. Most/all of these places have the analytics to see where I've been and what I have downloaded.
Posted by: Fred Dempster | 08/24/2011 at 12:35 PM
That 9 question letter takes the cake.
Can you imagine what it would be like to actually have to talk with these people?
I bet it would be like trying to get a telemarketer off the phone.
The sad thing is this is more like the norm rather than the exception.
Posted by: Bruce | 08/24/2011 at 12:50 PM
Fred -- Some companies do it right. I like what you said about IDG Connect. I have the same experience with HubSpot. I've downloaded tons of stuff from them and they know me. And, after two years, I'm actually becoming a customer shortly. So slowly nurturing people does pay off -- especially if they're downloading info that's not totally relevant to making a buying decision today.
Bruce -- Totally agree with you re: the 9 question letter. At that point, I felt totally stalked.
Posted by: Jill Konrath | 08/24/2011 at 04:12 PM
Thank you for sharing these examples. Wow - the automation-run-riot on display here looks like it was lifted from residential mortgage industry. Specifically the foreclosure segment. I'm sure the results are about as effective for too.
I'm glad when I see posts calling attention to robo-selling fails like this one. I wrote about a similar scenario on my blog a couple of weeks ago. Really, it deserves the attention of's CEO. Because it's creating automated headwinds for the sales team and for the brand. Dear CEO: why would we trust your PRODUCT if this is your PROCESS??
Posted by: Tom Scearce | 08/24/2011 at 05:46 PM
HA HA HA -- did yoy ever get the FREE book? It might be worth the cover price? Regardless, I believe such impersonal automated responses are ACTUALLY counter-productive Jill? YOur thoughts?
Posted by: Bob | 08/24/2011 at 10:25 PM
Bob -- Funny that you bring up the ebook. I haven't even looked at it yet. That's what happens when a company bugs me.
Tom -- You're right. It should be a CEO issue. How a company relates to you during their lead generation initiatives is indicative of how they'll treat you later.
Posted by: Jill Konrath | 08/25/2011 at 08:14 AM
Jill, great story.
Yes, Marketing Automation is a tool based on technology that makes our jobs "easier." But in the wrong, unenlightened hands, can fail miserably - just like any IT deployment.
And stories like this give some of the MA naysayers I know more fuel, which is frustrating.
The good news is that slowly but surely some marketing people are having the epiphany and are learning to transform into true "marketing technologists" as Scott Brinker likes to call the new path.
However, it will be painful for a lot of marketers with backgrounds in branding and PR, who don't truly understand systems analysis, work flow, analytics, and linquistics. And the problem is that many marketers don't even have a formal marketing education - they're from journalism, communcations, even English or ballet for that matter, so to make them think more like an IT person will be a challenge.
Posted by: Joe Zuccaro | 08/25/2011 at 09:48 AM
Argh! 1 day long enough for my stupid-pill to act... I used Google Chrome to auto-fill on an obscure white paper and have 3 emails and 2 phone messages from 2 different people.
I'll play with them tomorrow... I have MagicJack so no big cost...
Posted by: Fred Dempster | 08/25/2011 at 06:05 PM
Jill, they're probably implementing the research that says within 34 minutes, "leads" dry up.
Posted by: Chris Zdunich | 08/25/2011 at 06:48 PM
This is a great example of the use of tools gone awry. Too many auto-responders and not enough thought!
Before you implement a tool, you need to do some Customer Relationship Planning (CRP)! What is CRP? It is the solution to the problem Jill experienced. It means thinking it through from the buyer's perspective before you set up your auto-responders. It is what you need to do before you implement Marketing Automation!
Had they done this, they would have put a process in place to respond appropriately to Jill's "interest," including qualifying if she is interested.
It would have surfaced the thought that no one is willing to take the time to answer all those questions and divulge all that information unless they are really interested and getting something of equal value in return!
Customer Relationship Planning means thinking first then implementing neat tools.
Posted by: Ron Snyder | 08/27/2011 at 04:14 PM
Wow. Inquiries are not (always) leads. And, if someone was hoping to see if you had a need to purchase something - they should have had the guts to pick up the phone. Trying to sell using email is a very bad idea.
Posted by: Bill Murray | 08/31/2011 at 05:27 PM
Yes it has happened to me and I completely agree with you.
I think all companies who utilize automated email systems in their marketing strategy need to take a detailed learning lesson on "Inbound Marketing" which focuses on understanding the needs of the prospect at all phases of interaction and responding by giving them what they need at that time.
This will attract and pull the prospect to you more, which will increase your chances of fostering a valuable relationship for potential future business.
Posted by: Brandon Warner | 09/04/2011 at 07:05 AM